If you have at least one book out there are some really cool ways you can use email to help you along further in your writing business.
Monthly Newsletters
When you’re thinking about using email as an established author we can go back to the timed and true monthly newsletter. You can use it to keep in touch after a book launches and everything kind of settles down. Some things you can communicate in there can be updates on the next book you’re working on snippets of your first draft.
Click here to get more ideas on what you can share in your author newsletter.
Get Help With Your Next Story
If you’re having trouble coming up with a name, a type of character or a world, reach out to your people in the email and say, “Hey, I’m trying to name this new part of the world. What do you think?” Their input is valuable because they’ve read your book before so they’re already familiar with your world and your story. Plus they will be so stoked to have a say in what this story is all about. And of course, they’re going to stick around to buy it because they helped you come up with ideas.
Bonus Material Email Series
You can even go as far as having a special newsletter or email sequence just for people who bought your book. You can share scenes that didn’t make it into the final book or all of that world-building goodness you weren’t able to expand on in the story. That’s really cool because they’re already are invested in your world and giving them even more to geek out about is great content!
These email ideas for unpublished authors will work for you too! Click here to listen.
Behind-the-Scenes Email Series
You can share behind-the-scenes content on what went into writing the book. Did you go to a specific location? Were you listening to a particular song that inspired you? You can share real-life inspiration. I know for me a real-life inspiration for my upcoming YA fantasy pirate book were my girls. They inspired the twins in my story. So even sharing something like that would be really cool for people who already read your book.
When it comes to figuring out what those ideas are, pay attention to what your readers are saying about your book and that’ll give you an idea of what they want to see more of. So reading those reviews, direct messages or asking them what they thought can give you an idea of what to share in email.
Are you a published fiction author? How do you use email to grow your tribe?