You’ve made the decision to launch a blog. This is an exciting time my friend!
So what now?
Here are four things you can do to make sure your blog launches on the right foot.
1. Have a clear topic.
Now as a writer, you know, in order to build that sustainable career, it’s not advisable to genre hop in the beginning. The same applies to your blog. You want to have a clear topic that strengthens your brand – tells people what you’re all about, what you want to be known for and what types of readers you want to connect with. For example, if you are a developmental editor, good blog topics can be story structure or creating strong characters. Those are the pillars of a good story.
Now you may be thinking, Oh, I don’t want to pigeonhole myself! We creatives want to create all the things. We don’t like to be put in a box. With your blog, you don’t have to do a blog about this one thing forever. However, it’s better to be known for one type of blog before you move on to the next thing.
Let’s say you’re a developmental editor and you’ve been blogging a while about story structure. Now that you have that steady flow of blog articles, then you can move on to blogging about writing characters.
2. Brainstorm.
Now that you have your topic, come up with a whole list of all the blog articles you can write around that topic. I can tell you as an experienced blogger, there comes a point where you feel like you’ve blogged about everything. So when you hit that block, you want to have that list to go to and you’ll always have a steady flow of ideas. You don’t get stuck because when you get stuck, consistency suffers. (and you don’t want that!)
3. Figure out how often you want to blog
Keep in mind that with great blogs, it’s quality over quantity. It’s better to have one great blog post once a month, then three not-so-great ones a week. You want people to come to your blog and read your best content every single time.
4. Create a Content Calendar
A content calendar is your best friend. It will help you greatly in staying consistent and on the ball with your blog. So when you have that list of topics and how often you want to blog, get out your calendar. Schedule out these blog posts ahead of time. That way when it comes time to sit and write, you know exactly what you’re writing about.
Let’s chat! What steps do you need to take when launching your blog?